The Modern eLearning Designer Infographic

The Modern eLearning Designer Infographic

The 5 Commandments of the Modern eLearning Designer Infographic

To become a better eLearning designer, you have to understand fully how information works in a distributed or networked environment and you definitely have to be comfortable when working with different tools and technologies too. But, above all, you need to stick to the fundamentals and don't get distracted. The 5 Commandments for the Modern eLearning Designer Infographic presents what the modern eLearning designer needs to embrace in order to survive and succeed in today's dynamic and challenging world:

  1. It’s still all about people. Get to know who you're designing for.
  2. Think of the computer as a transparent medium.
  3. Make it easy for people to learn.
  4. Design and redesign.
  5. It's about solving problems above all else.
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