How to Build an Age Appropriate Kid-Friendly Website Infographic

How to Build an Age Appropriate Kid-Friendly Website Infographic

How to Build an Age Appropriate Kid-Friendly Website Infographic

Adults today may remember growing up with the development of the internet and learning to use it as a teenager or adult, but today’s children are growing up using the internet from a much earlier age than you might expect. By age five, more than half of all children with access to the Internet will use it regularly. If your product or service is aimed at children it's important that you create a website that children want to interact with. If your website isn’t kid-friendly, you’re going to lose out when they get bored or frustrated and abandon your website.

When planning and designing a website for children, it’s important to keep them in mind from the beginning of the process. It can be very difficult to modify an already established website to make it kid-friendly. But if you do keep children in mind when planning your website, it’ll help you greatly in the long run. You’ll be able to more easily attract your target audience, and your website will be more popular with kids from the start.

Wondering exactly how to create a website that’s kid-friendly? Here’s a primer to get you started, from planning colors to being in legal compliance, plus plenty of examples for your inspiration.

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