The Science of Love Infographic

The Science of Love InfographicThe Science of Love Infographic

The Science of Love Infographic

There has always been an air of mystery and intrigue behind one of the most universal emotions in all human kind – love. It is a sentiment so powerful it has long been the inspiration behind iconic works of art and fiction – from Romeo and Juliet to Cathy and Heathcliff, the feelings of lust, passion and heartbreak are something we can all relate to, but few actually know the science behind why we feel the way we do. Now you can discover the fascinating science behind life’s most powerful emotion with The Science of Love Infographic.

Ever wondered why you lost your appetite when you were with someone you found attractive? Or what body language suggests somebody is in to you? MyBreast have looked into the molecules responsible for your blushes, the psychology that can influence who you fall for and found the body language clues that can give away even the most secret of crushes.

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