The mLearning Movement Infographic

The mLearning Movement Infographic

The mLearning Movement Infographic

mLearning is a term used to describe the idea of using portable, electronic devices as a tool for learning. Mobile devices are everywhere, so it’s really no surprise that mobile devices are becoming so big in the learning and education sector. eLearning made the first step in breaking out of the traditional classroom environment and mobile learning is just a way to take eLearning further, giving people the option to learn virtually anywhere. With many people still slightly skeptical about mLearning it is important to highlight the benefits to see if it is right for your organisation. The mLearning Movement Infographic presents the top reasons to convert to mobile learning.

Top Reasons to Convert to Mobile Learning

  1. Flexibility: The key to mLearning is that it can be done anywhere, whether it is done on the commute to and from work, in bed or even in the bath.
  2. BYOD: Ther, taking the learning anywhere.
  3. Self Pace: mLearning helps to put the control into the learner’s hands, enabling them to decide when they want to learn. This will then help to make them feel more motivated and also being able to self-pace their learning.
  4. Personalisation: Another huge benefit to mLearning is the idea that the courses can be made personal to the learner. Using personal devices can also help develop the idea of tailoring courses to personal needs.
  5. Overall Experience: Using mobile technology to learn enables access to a virtual environment in which creativity and interaction with peers is achieved to a much higher level.

These are just a few of the ever growing benefits of mLearning, and although with all new technologies there are aspects to thoroughly consider it is important to embrace change especially when it comes to learning as this is something we should all do throughout our lives in the most effective and rewarding way possible.

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