How Game-based Learning Can Support Strong Mathematical Practices Infographic

How Game-based Learning Can Support Strong Mathematical Practices Infographic

How Game-based Learning Can Support Strong Mathematical Practices Infographic

MIND Research Institute, a social benefit organization, looks at why games are so popular and what kids are already learning through games. How can schools leverage students' love of digital games? If designed well, game-based learning can harness students' intrinsic motivation and love for play and lead them toward complex problem solving.

It is not enough for today's students to memorize math facts and formulas. The Standards for Mathematical Practice raise expectations for our students, asking them to understand concepts, make connections, communicate their reasoning and more. We need to get students engaged in math and go deeper in their mathematical thinking. Teachers need help finding curriculum-aligned games that lend themselves to deep exploration and complex problem solving. What kind of games can help students develop the skills they need to meet today's standards for mathematical practice?

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