Is Your Kid Having a Cell Phone? Infographic

Is Your Kid Having a Cell Phone? Infographic

Is Your Kid Having a Cell Phone? Infographic

Cell phone you can't live without it. Cell phone per se becomes necessity for communicating. In this generation, it’s hard to dare say that you can last a week to pass by without your phone on your side. As this is the medium of getting in touch with your love ones and others anytime and anywhere you want. Get updated with relatives, school projects, events, what's in and out, asking for help in case of emergency and many to mention. Also keep in mind that there are negative sides using this cell phone, especially handling them out to kids without the firsthand knowledge and rules on utilizing such device.

So to give you an upper hand in making decision on giving a cell phone to your kids,, the leading resource of kids activities in Dubai created a quick guide for parents who are on this dilemma.

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