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The eLearning Course Components Infographic

5 eLearning Course Components Infographic 1. Diagnostic Evaluation Include a diagnostic evaluation at the beginning of the course. This will enable the learner to recognize or blend in prior knowledge they have about the main topic. You may present the evaluation as a test or by including a problem-based situation along with some questions. 2. […]

eLearning Future: 6 eLearning Trends Infographic

Where eLearning is Headed: 6 eLearning Trends Infographic Learning is Social People are social animals and eLearning has become a collaborative experience full of resources to take advantage of. eLearning courses must promote the sharing knowledge, experiences, and opinions. Courses must include opportunities for interaction between learners through new technology. There are plenty of resources […]

Adult Learning Principles Infographic

Adult education, officially known as “Androgogy”, is well-defined as the set of definite abilities and related knowledge geared towards the educational development of adults. The way learning happens in children and the way learning happens in adults are completely different. Adults are self-focused and are probable to take the responsibility for their own judgments. Malcolm […]

eLearning Market Report Infographic

Did you know that in 2016 the eLearning market will be worth 51 billion dollars? 6 Interesting trends and forecast about the eLearning market for 2014-2016! The worldwide market for self-paced eLearning (worth $35.6bn in 2011) is estimated to be growing at around 7.6% a year. According to recent regional studies, the Asian market is showing the […]

Millennials in the Modern Workplace Infographic

The job skills gap doesn't necessarily mean employees aren't grasping new software or can't complete a new technical task. More often it refers to soft skills: communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration. So, how Millennials and their Managers compare. You may also find valuable: 3 Strategies to Engage Millennials – We Aren’t That Different The […]

How Does the Brain Retain Information Infographic

Despite centuries of scientific research, the inner workings of the brain remain somewhat of an unsolved mystery — especially the study of memory retention and the process of learning. But theories certainly exist as to how these complex processes work. The How Does the Brain Retain Information Infographic presents some of these ideas in a […]

eLearning Implementation Toolkit Infographic

The uptake of eLearning across the vocational education and training (VET) sector has been steadily increasing. The eLearning Implementation Toolkit Infographic aims at assisting Registered Training Organizations (RTOs) implement eLearning. The framework of the toolkit is based on project management processes, the ADDIE (analyze, design, develop, implement, evaluate) instructional design model and research into factors […]

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