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Top Apps For College Student Survival Infographic

Top Apps for College Student Survival Infographic Today’s student is more in tune with technology than ever before, and this app guide from shows how students can make the most out of the college experience. From finding a date to making new friends, keeping your focus to taking better notes, the Top Apps for College Student […]

Arts Integration in Education Infographic

Arts Integration in Education Infographic Arts integration is an approach to teaching and learning through which content standards are taught and assessed equitably in and through the arts. However, arts integration is still somewhat misunderstood by many in the educational community. The Arts Integration in Education Infographic shows how arts integration can serve as the […]

The Evolution of College Students Infographic

The Evolution of College Students Infographic College students today differ a lot from college students of the past. The Evolution of College Students Infographic presents how college students and their technology have evolved since the 1960s. For one thing, there are so many more of them. Particularly, in the United States, there are more women […]

STEAM, not just STEM Education Infographic

STEAM, not just STEM Education Infographic Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are the center of attention in most US public schools today. The focus on STEM fields was initiated to increase global competitiveness and the project does have its merits. However, it has left the arts languishing far off in the periphery. This is […]

Top Instructional Designer's Skills Infographic

Top Instructional Designer's Skills Infographic A skillful Instructional Designer brings both technology and learning combined together not only in a digestible format but also at an appetising pace. An Instructional Designer breaks down content that involves any learning material, into something that is easy to comprehend; he or she also creates the content to be appealing […]

The Importance of Playing Outside Infographic

The Importance of Playing Outside Infographic As kids spend more time in classrooms and with electronics, they are also consuming more sugar and calories than ever before. This is leading to an obesity epidemic. The Importance of Playing Outside Infographic examines the factors that have led to the childhood obesity epidemic and presents the importance of […]

How a Montessori Education Can Help Children Succeed Infographic

How a Montessori Education Can Help Children Succeed Infographic A Montessori education offers children the opportunity to learn and grow as individuals, rather than being part of a pack. Students are encouraged to become mindful, respectful citizens who are engaged and aware of themselves and the world around them. Montessori teachers give students the tools […]

The Africa Mobile Learning Infographic

Mobile Learning in Africa Infographic As we examine mobile learning around the world we see the following: Africa has the highest mobile learning growth rate in the world, whilst Asia will generate the highest revenues for mobile learning on the planet. North America Mobile Learning follows the typical pattern of a mature market: low growth rate, […]

Advantages of Early Childhood Education Infographic

Advantages of Early Childhood Education Infographic Early childhood education has been proven to benefit children's academic success and overall well being as an adult. Children who attend preschool do significantly better in high school than children who do not. Those who attend preschool also benefit once they enter adulthood. The Advantages of Early Childhood Education […]

Elementary Montessori Education Infographic

Elementary Montessori Education Infographic Montessori education is an educational approach developed Maria Montessori and characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological, physical, and social development. In a Montessori classroom, each child will be encouraged to develop a love of learning by studying the topics that he […]

The Importance of STEM in K12 Education Infographic

The Importance of STEM in K12 Education Infographic STEM needs to be a possibility for all K12 students. The Importance of STEM in K12 Education Infographic highlights the importance of STEM in K12 education, suggests methods to integrate STEM education into K12 curriculum and presents some interesting statistics on STEM education in the US. Why is […]

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