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The Ultimate Guide to Note Taking in Class Infographic

The Ultimate Guide to Note Taking in Class Infographic Taking good notes in class is essential for remembering the information you learn, information that could be invaluable during an exam. 60% of information is lost after just 9 hours, so writing good notes can really help you to retain it. Some students prefer to just […]

Managing Cognitive Load in eLearning Infographic

Managing Cognitive Load in eLearning Infographic The working memory plays a crucial role in helping us learn. But this part of the brain can only remember so much information or process a limited amount of data at any one time. So you have to design learning such that it optimizes the limited capacity of the […]

Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Action Verbs infographic

Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Action Verbs infographic Bloom's Taxonomy was created in 1956 under the leadership of educational psychologist Dr Benjamin Bloom in order to promote higher forms of thinking in education, such as analyzing and evaluating concepts, processes, procedures, and principles, rather than just remembering facts (rote learning). It is most often used when designing […]

Top 7 Benefits of Scenario-Based Training Infographic

Top 7 Benefits of Scenario-Based Training Infographic Scenario or task-based learning is a training approach designed with the participants in mind and aligns with the job performance learners are expected to achieve once the training is complete. New tasks or procedures are simulated during the training, immersing learners into situations where they are allowed to […]

The Asia Mobile Learning Infographic

The Asia Mobile Learning Infographic Please take out your phone, tablet or laptop for a second, flip it over and check where it was produced. In 99% of cases your devices were either produced or assembled in Asia, the biggest industrial producer of mobile devices. Now imagine this same continent, with its huge penetration of devices, […]

8 Ways to Engage eLearners Infographic

8 Ways to Engage eLearners Infographic Do you struggle to engage your staff through e-learning? The 8 Ways to Engage eLearners Infographic provides 8 engagement tips that will leave your learners energised and primed to look at your learning in a different light. How to Engage eLearners: Grab their attention. Be thought provoking, give statistics or quick snippets […]

Growing and Learning with Mobile Infographic

Growing and Learning with Mobile Infographic While educators have been busy trying to understand and teach to Millennials and Generation Y over the past several years, a new generation of mobile natives has been growing in the background. Generation Z, which includes those born after 1995, now fills our K-12 classrooms, and they've brought their […]

Boost Your Training with the Neuroscience of Education Infographic

Boost Your Training with the Neuroscience of Education Infographic Neuroscience of learning has created a wealth of great tips to make L&D more effective. The Boost Your Training with the Neuroscience of Education Infographic shows how knowing about the brain helps L&D people train. How Neuroscience Can Boost L&D Learners Become More Engaged Better Training Creates […]

Flipped Learning: The Big Picture Infographic

Flipped Learning: The Big Picture Infographic As we progress rapidly into the middle of the second decade of the 21st century, questions continue to be raised about how education addresses the ever increasing demands for change, integrating emerging technologies, and maximising the possibilities for every student. Teachers are searching for ways to focus on engaging students […]

Music Lessons Make You Smarter Infographic

Music Lessons Make You Smarter Infographic Want to sharpen up your mind and have fun while you’re at it? Music lessons, such as singing or guitar lessons, are much more than just a creative pastime – they can help you relieve stress, develop self-confidence, and believe it or not, even make you smarter. The Music […]

Why 2015 Should Be the Year You Learn to Code Infographic

Why 2015 Should Be the Year You Learn to Code Infographic Learning how to code offers many advantages for anyone seeking new opportunities in the new year. No matter what your current age or job title is, a wide range of industries are eager to hire people with programming knowledge. Even if you are just […]

Classroom Accommodations for Dyslexia Infographic

Classroom Accommodations for Dyslexia Infographic For kids with dyslexia, reading and writing can be challenging. The Classroom Accommodations for Dyslexia Infographic presents some common ways schools can make learning more accessible. Keep in mind that the accommodations listed here aren’t the only ones available. Talk to your child’s teachers for more ideas. For Materials Get audiobooks through […]

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